Cleaning Fine Mesh Screens Without Damaging Equipment

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While screen blinding is not uncommon, it is a problem. It can bring material classification to a halt, leading to delays in your entire processing line. That’s why cleaning your mesh screens is essential. You must also ensure your team cleans them without damaging your equipment. To help your company protect its machinery, we’ve compiled a go-to guide that outlines five precautions for fine mesh screening cleaning.

1. Inspect Your Vibrating Screen’s Condition

No matter your screen’s age, it’s critical that your facility inspects it before washing. Look for sags, holes or tears. If you find any, consider replacing or re-screening.

2. Review Your Built-Up Material

If you process materials sensitive to temperature, review their properties. Using hot water, for example, may cause those particles to melt into your screen versus washing off.

3. Choose Your Bottom-Side Screen Cleaning Device

A critical step in cleaning mesh screens is choosing your bottom-side cleaning device, which could include:

  • Sliders
  • Ball trays
  • Sandwich screens

When selecting your cleaning device, consider your material and screen type, as some methods aren’t ideal for certain filters, like ball trays for fine mesh screening.

4. Pick Your Top-Side Screen Cleaning Device

While reviewing your bottom-side screen cleaning devices, also decide on your top-side screening cleaning device, which could include:

  • Rotary brushes
  • Necklace ring dams
  • Wiper ring

Additional methods for cleaning standard and fine mesh vibratory screens include:

  • Vibro ring
  • Water spray
  • Ultrasonic
  • Energizer

If you’re unsure of the best option for cleaning your equipment’s screen, like your vibratory sieve’s mesh screen, contact the manufacturer.

5. Begin Your Screening Cleaning

After you’ve assessed your screen, reviewed its built-up material and chosen devices for cleaning your mesh screen, you can set a time and date for cleaning your screens.

Replace Your Fine Mesh Screens With VibraScreener™

Do your mesh screens require replacement? At VibraScreener™, we can help. Our knowledgeable team provides fast re-screening services for our products, as well as for equipment from Sweco™, Kason™, Rotex™ and more. When you choose our team, you can count on high-quality screens that’ll deliver the productivity your facility requires, as well as rapid turnarounds to minimize your downtime.

Contact us today to learn more about our replacement screen services. To get in contact with one of our experienced engineers, fill out our talk to an expert form.