Common Questions About The Screening Industry

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When it comes to industrial and mechanical screening products, it’s understandable that many businesses have questions about the various types of products as well as their specific uses. That’s why we’ve put together this list of FAQs to address common questions and concerns.

What Exactly Is Industrial Screening?

Screening is a technique that’s commonly used to separate materials — either liquids from solid particles (referred to as liquid-solid) or solid particles of different sizes (referred to as solid-solid). At its most basic, the screening technique works by depositing input material onto a screen that has one or more openings in it. When the screener vibrates, everything that’s small enough — whether it’s particles or liquid — passes through the opening. As a result, the materials are separated.

What Kind of Different Industries Use Screening Products?

Screening products are used in a wide range of different industries, including:

Screening can be used to remove contaminants and impurities from liquids and materials. As an example, screening is commonly used as a pretreatment for wastewater. It can also be used to grade and de-dust products in the food and pharmaceuticals industries. Plus, it can be used to separate out larger items and smaller items — in the gold mining industry, for example. In short, screening can be used for many applications where liquids need to be divided from solids or different-sized solid objects and particles need to be separated.

Can You Help Me Adhere to Industry Regulations?

This is understandably one of the most frequently asked industrial screener questions. Fortunately, the answer is, “Yes.” There are many industries that have regulations, such as Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) — regulations in the food and beverage industry. Because of this, we manufacture several screeners that are specifically designed for HACCP-compliant use.

If our current screening and sifter machines don’t possess the features you need to adhere to your industry’s regulations, just let us know. We’re always open to discussing how we can help you. For example, we can create a custom machine to your specifications or, of course, the standards set by your industry.

Do You Provide Support for My Products?

Because it can be confusing to know which type of screener is best for your application, we provide quality pre-purchase advice from our team of highly trained experts. They will listen to your needs and advise you on your best options.

In addition, the vast majority of industrial and technical screeners are used heavily. That’s why we design them for maximum reliability and durability. However, with heavy use, it’s inevitable that parts will wear down or break. For this reason, we offer a wide range of replacement parts that can easily be fitted to the machine once you’ve removed the worn or broken part.

Questions? Contact Us!

If you have any further mechanical screening questions or industrial screening issues, please contact us at your earliest convenience by filling out our online contact form. You can also call us at 800-779-4613 or email us at [email protected].