Terms and conditions


VibraScreener Inc makes no warranties or representations as to the accuracy or completeness of the information on our website or any of our subsidiary websites worldwide. VibraScreener Inc. assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any errors, viruses, broken links or omission in the content on the www.vibrascreener.com website or any of its subsidiaries.
The trademarks, logos, copyright marks and registered marks displayed on the Site, including VibraScreener®, Ranger Separator™, Dynamic Screener™, SaniDump Screener™, GyraSift™, Bison Separator™ and LX Solids Separator™ are registered trademarks of VibraScreener Inc. and the use of these trademarks are prohibited in any form unless with the written consent of VibraScreener Inc. It is illegal to modify, copy, distribute or alter any files, images, drawings, flyers, content and animations in our website neither the re-use of any materials from this website, including but not limited to copying, selling, reproducing, offering, distributing, uploading, emailing, modifying, posting or transmitting without the exclusive written consent of VibraScreener Inc., with the exception that you can download material offered on this site for non-commercial, personal use only, agreeing to comply with the terms and conditions of this website and all trademarks and copyright published in the content of this website. The misuse of trademarks and copyrights in this website, including product names, slogans, registered names, intellectual properties, patented technologies, jingles, logos and phrases are prohibited by law worldwide.
As the designers and manufacturers of vibrating screens, gyratory sifters, vibratory screeners, industrial sieves, vibratory sifters, rectangular separators and round separators, including our models Dynamic Screener™, Ranger Separator™, SaniDump Screener™, Bison Separator™, GyraSift™ and LX Solids Separator™ we reserved all rights for these products technologies, trademarks, patents and copyrights. By using this website you agree not to use the VibraScreener Inc. website in any manner that could damage, distort, disable, modify, deteriorate or impair the VibraScreener Inc. website and/or brand name or interfere with any other material and marketing channels of VibraScreener Inc. webpage: www.vibrascreener.com. You should also NOT gather or attempt to gather any materials or information by any circumstances not made accessible at VibraScreener website or provided by a technical personnel of VibraScreener Inc. technical personnel.

Website ownership

The website www.vibrascreener.com is fully owned by VibraScreener Inc., which designs and manufactures high quality screening machines, industrial sieves, gyratory sifters and rectangular separators; with its headquarter in Charlotte, NC and no other enterprise, organization, agency, individual or corporation in any other part of the world can claim ownership or representation whatsoever expressed or implied of the VibraScreener Inc. website: www.vibrascreener.com.

To contact the website owner and webmaster please refer to:

VibraScreener Inc.