Cyclone Screener™

Cyclone Screener™
Advantages of the Cyclone Tumbler Screener™
Trust the Cyclone Tumbler Screener™ for your Most Challenging Screening Jobs!
Fine Screening
The gyratory tumbling design of the Cyclone Screener allows for much finer screening as the material stays longer on the screen and enables the material that is near the same as the mesh aperture more opportunity to pass the screen. This unit also gives operators the flexibility to use different de-blinding methods including bouncing balls de-blinding, brush cleaning, air cleaning, ultrasonic screening and a combination of all these methods.
Higher capacity
The main reason the Cyclone Tumbler Screener provides greater capacity than conventional vibratory screeners is due mostly to the high-speed stationary motor. Not having counterweighs on the motor enables the unit to utilize a higher speed motor. Another reason this round gyratory sieve separator produces greater capacity is because of its rubber mounts, which allows a stronger motor to be utilize. With this gyratory technology a more stable and controlled motion is obtain, allowing more materials to pass the screen easily and faster.
Precise screening / separation
The Cyclone Screener™ with its advanced tumbler design is extremely effective when accurate separation is required. The unit was developed to combine accurate screening with high capacity in a compact round design. This tumbler screener allows the material to move on the screen side to side forcing the product longer time on the screen and giving more chances to pass the mesh screen.
Rubber Suspension – balanced vibration
The Cyclone Screener is equipped with rubber mounts giving the sieve a more stable vibration, perfectly isolating vibration to transmit outside the base of the machine. This Contrary to metal springs in conventional round separators, the rubber suspensions allow more force to be applied directly to the screen surface and higher sieving capacity is achievable.
Lower noise level
Without a vibratory motor and with rubber isolations, the Cyclone Tumbler Screener operates quietly with less moving parts. With the gyratory gentle motion of the Cyclone Screener the moving parts dance side to side and not up and down as vibratory screeners.
Small footprint
Despite its superior design this tumbler sieving machine differentiates from rectangular gyratory screening machines counterparts because of its circular design and small footprint. The sieve uses a pedestal base, where the counterweights are located, and is compact and does not require excessive headroom in the installation and process. This base also makes the Cyclone Screener™ low maintenance as it provides quick access to the weights.